The Message Center Tab > Clinical Messaging and Faxing > Clinical Messaging

Clinical Messaging

This section provides instructions for creating and sending a clinical message to another Care360 Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, or EHR user, a practice-wide Inbox that is monitored by certain users within an organization, a Direct address, to multiple recipients, or to a patient via the Patient Portal.

There are three methods for sending a clinical message:

Compose a new message using the Message Center tab. Using the Message Center tab, you can easily compose and send a new clinical message. The message you compose may contain message text only, or it may reference specific data or documents (clinical activities) stored within a patient’s summary. While composing the message, you can easily search for the patient whose data you want to reference.

Compose a new message from a patient summary. While viewing a patient’s summary, you can compose and send a clinical message that automatically references that patient. You can also reference specific data or documents (clinical activities) from the patient’s summary.

Compose a new message from the messages Inbox page. While viewing all your messages, you can compose and send a new clinical message. This process is otherwise identical to composing a message from the Message Center tab.

Note: You can reference only one patient per clinical message if you are including clinical data.

Viewing and Saving Message Patient Data

This section describes features that are unique to clinical messaging. When you send a message that contains a reference to patient data (also known as protected health information, or PHI), the recipient can view that data based on their relationship to you (the sender):

Internal recipients. Each time a patient is referenced in a clinical message to an internal recipient, an item is automatically added to the Sent Messages/Received Messages lists in the Sent Messages/Received Messages section of the patient’s summary, providing a record of that reference.

Note: If you send an antepartum report with a clinical message, the report is automatically saved to the reference patient’s summary as an uploaded document in the Other Documents section and the Patient Uploaded Documents list.

External recipients. If the recipient is not within your office or care site, or you sent the message to another office’s practice-wide Inbox, the recipient will have the option of adding the referenced patient to his or her own patient population. If they elect to add the patient, the patient is added to the system, including the patient’s demographic information and the portions of their summary that were referenced in the message.


Clinical activities attached to a clinical message are not updated if that activity changes. For instance, if a report is corrected after being attached to a clinical message, the report will not show the updated information.

When a clinical message is saved to a patient’s summary, the clinical message can be viewed for future reference, but it is not considered a clinical activity.

Depending on whether your organization is using Care360Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, or EHR, the attachments viewable on a clinical message may vary. Some information, such as medications, vaccines, problems, and allergies/adverse reactions that are attached to clinical messages, will be blocked if you are viewing the clinical messages on a computer provided by Quest Diagnostics.

Send a Clinical Message

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