The Patient Tab > The Patient Summary

The Patient Summary

This section provides instructions for accessing, customizing, and using the patient summary. In Care360 Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, and EHR, a patient summary is essentially a “collapsed” or summarized view of the patient’s complete chart. Using the patient summary, you can view the latest patient data that is available in the patient’s summary for each clinical area, such as Recent Tests/Recent Requisitions or Patient Tasks, for quick access and review. To view a more detailed history for the patient, you can access individual items within each section of the patient summary to display additional data. For more information on accessing additional patient data from the patient summary, see Navigating the Patient Summary.

The patient summary initially displays all of the summary views that are available for a patient based upon your organization’s level of service, but can be configured to display only those items that you want to regularly view on the patient summary. For more information on configuring the patient summary, see Customizing the Patient Summary View.

Once you have accessed the patient summary for a patient, you can print a patient’s face sheet or choose specific clinical data to print when needed. A face sheet provides a summary of items that appear in the patient summary, including patient demographic and billing information, allergies/adverse reactions, medication history, vaccinations (including refused vaccinations), recent labs, recent radiology reports, radiology orders, comments, patient contacts, recent diagnostics, and problems. For instructions on printing a patient’s face sheet or specific clinical data, see Printing Patient Data.

Note: For a detailed description of how to access additional patient information or how to perform tasks from the patient summary, see Navigating the Patient Summary.