Patient's Narx Score Card

Quanum EHR has been integrated with Bamboo Health's PMP (Prescription Monitoring Program) gateway, which allows the providers to connect with their state's registry and the neighboring states. When your practice registers with Bamboo Health, you receive credentials which allow you to retrieve a patient's NarxCare PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program) report, and you may select the appropriate states to query. By querying the PMP (Prescription Monitoring Program) through the Quanum EHR, providers can earn an interoperability bonus.

To generate a patient's Narx score card, do the following:

1 Access the patient’s summary page; for instructions, see Accessing a Patient Summary.

2 At the top of the patient summary, click the Score Card link to display the patient's NarxCare PDMP report on a separate page.


The Score Card link will appear only if Bamboo Health credentials are specified in the ePrescribing section on the Organization Preferences page.

When Bamboo Health is unable to validate the patient's demographic information, it displays the Bamboo Message Failure dialog box. The dialog box contains the exact error that caused the invalid request as well as the Bamboo Health support information to submit a ticket.

To request a patient's NarxCare report that was previously generated, click Refresh Page to refresh the entire page and then click the Score Card link. Otherwise, it will display the Report already delivered message on your browser's newly opened page.

In addition, NarxCare improves best practices by detecting potential clinical interactions, preventing adverse drug events, and detecting if a patient received more than one prescription for a given drug from multiple sources.

3 The report provides the following information:

Patient demographic information (including name, sex, date of birth, and contact information).

A link, Contact the Bamboo Health Knowledge/Help Center (located to the right of the patient identification) to contact Bamboo Health to find solutions to any problems.

An option to download a PDF or CSV version of the report (located right side of the page).

The body of the Narx Report contains several functional areas aimed at rapidly raising awareness of risk and prescription use patterns, and when required, individual prescription detail.

Narcotic, Sedative, and Stimulant scores (Narx scores)

Overdose Risk Score (ORS)

State Indicators