Changing Your Password

The first time you log in to QuanumElectronic Health Record (EHR), you are required (in addition to selecting and answering five challenge questions) to change your password. In addition, the application’s security features may force you to change your password on a regular basis. You will know if you need to change your password as soon as you log in, because you are immediately redirected to the Change Password page.

You may also change your password at any time, as needed.

When you change your password, you must know your current password and the new password you intend to use. The new password must conform to the following rules:

The new password cannot be the same as the current password.

Passwords are case-sensitive. For example, PASSWORD and password are two distinct passwords.

Passwords must contain at least eight characters.

Passwords must contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character.

Passwords must contain at least one letter and one number. For example, 1234567a and abcdefg1 are valid, but 1234578 and abcdefgh are not valid.

Passwords cannot contain your user ID. For example, if your user ID is doe, your password cannot be doe12345.

Passwords cannot contain more than one pair of repeating characters. For example, aabbccd1 is valid, but aaabbbb1 is not valid.

Change Your Password