Set Immunization Registry Preferences for an Organization

Note: The Immunization Registry section is only available if your organization has Immunization Reporting. In addition, only users assigned administrator permissions can make changes to these preferences.

1 In the information bar, click Admin > Organization Preferences.

2 On the Organization Preferences page, scroll to Immunization Registry.

3 In the Messages section, click On next to each registry to which you want to send immunization data. (Off is the default.)

If an immunization registry requires a username and password, the registry is inactive and Enter Login appears after the registry name. Do the following to make the immunization registry message preference active:

a Click the Enter Login link.

b Type the username, password, and then confirm the password.

The username and password (above) must be provided to you by the registry.

c Click Save.

Additionally, if you have entered the login information incorrectly, or if the registry credentials change, use the Update Login link to make the appropriate changes.

4 In the Consent section, click one of the following options in the All Patients list to associate an organization-wide consent rule for your patients:


The consent option that you choose determines whether or not your organization's associated immunization registry shares patient data, on a per patient basis, with QuanumElectronic Health Record (EHR). When permission (or consent) is granted for a patient, you will be able to review forcasted vaccinations for the patient on the View All Vaccinations page and add historical vaccinations provided by the registry into the patient's summary (via the Immunizations History list on the Reconcile Medications dialog box).

This option enables you to set consent at the organization level for your patient population. Any consent set for a patient using the Immunization Registry preference in the Administrative Details section of a patient's Demography page overrides the consent set at the organizational level.

Consent. All patients in the organization consent to sharing their immunization registry data with Quanum EHR.


When you specify Consent at the organizational level, it will expire after one year unless you manually renew it throughout the year. For example, if Consent is set on 05/01/2017, then it expires on 05/01/2018. You can click Renew at any time to renew the consent. Consent will then be renewed for one year before expiring (unless you manually renew it throughout the year).

When Consent at the organizational level has expired, a warning message appears at the top of the Immunization Registry area.

Non-Consent. No patients in the organization consent to sharing their immunization registry data with Quanum EHR.

Uncollected. Patients in the organization are identified as not having provided consent or non-consent.

Note: Immunization registries define consent rules at the state level, and some states share patient immunization data unless the patient specifies Non-Consent. Therefore, some registries may share a patient's data with Quanum EHR when a patient's consent is Uncollected.

5 To save the organization preferences, click Set.

Any changes you make to your organization preference settings take effect immediately.