The Reports Tab > Patient Queries > Performing an Informatics Query

Performing an Informatics Query

This section provides information on Informatics Query, which allows you to perform an ad hoc search across all of the patient data in your organization. Search criteria can be entered for Test Names/Codes (including Analyte Names/Codes), Medications, Allergies, Diagnoses, Demographics, Provider, and Display Options areas. Display Options determine what, and how, your search results display. You can specify the following options to configure your results: the option to include Health Plan/Insurance Name, the option to include additional patient demographic information (street address, city, state, zip code, ethnicity, and race), the option to include the time in date column, and a sort option that can be used to sort your search results.

After you have performed a query and have received the results, you can print those results as needed. When you print query results, the printout also displays any search criteria that were specified when the query was performed. Additionally, you can export the query results to a Microsoft® Excel comma-separated (.csv) file.


A date selection is required as search criteria for all queries, except diagnosis and allergies.

Performing an informatics query (across your entire organization) can potentially take a substantial amount of time to return results. To narrow the query (thereby reducing the response time), enter additional search criteria.

If you select analytes and tests as search criteria, only those results containing both the specified analytes and the specified tests are returned by the query. For example, specifying CBC as your test criteria, and LDL as your analyte criteria, returns only patients with both CBC and LDL.

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