The Reports Tab > Clinical Decision Support

Clinical Decision Support

This section describes the clinical decision support functionality, which gathers and analyzes patient clinical information for your entire patient population, or for an individual patient, to identify gaps in care and other issues. Clinical decision support assists you in providing quality care with alerts and recommendations that are based upon medical guidelines for various conditions and diseases.

Patient clinical information that is available for analysis varies by organization. For example, organizations using Care360 ePrescribing (which is included with Care360 EHR) have patient prescription information (including history and active medications) available for analysis. Care360 EHR organizations have patient diagnosis information captured and maintained in the Problems list that is available for analysis. The Problems list can be used to indicate a patient’s disease, ailment, or chronic condition using an ICD code.

As part of the clinical decision support service, relevant patient clinical information is evaluated against the clinical guidelines, or general best practices, for managing the conditions or diseases that your organization has identified to monitor. When gaps in care or other quality care issues are identified, you are notified by one of the following alerts:

Population level alerts. Gaps in care identified at the patient population level display on the Quick View page. These alerts provide at-a-glance information regarding your entire patient population for the conditions being monitored. For more information about population level alerts, see Viewing Patient Population Alerts.

Note: Your organization defines which conditions are monitored for your patient population. Alerts may not reflect recent updates to a patient’s summary since the clinical decision support service updates this information periodically throughout the day. Results are expected to be no more than 24 hours old.

You can select a population alert, or a specific condition alert, to review the detailed list of guidelines and your patient performance on each condition being monitored. For more information about clinical guidelines by condition, see Viewing Clinical Guidelines by Condition

Non-compliant patients list. The patient list for a specific alert displays those patients in your care that require attention for a specific measure. For example, as part of diabetes preventative care, a patient’s A1C level (average blood glucose level) should be tested approximately every three months. If you select the Diabetes A1C alert, you can review a list of your patients that need to have their blood glucose levels tested or are overdue to have their blood glucose levels tested. For more information, see Viewing the Non-Compliant Patients List.

Note: The alerts available through the Non-Compliant Patients list depend on the premium services available to your organization.