The Lab Orders Tab > Other Features > Searching the Dictionary

Searching the Dictionary

When you place an order, you can search for insurance carriers, diagnoses, and tests. You can also search for this information using the dictionary search feature. This enables you to print the data or export it to an Excel spreadsheet so that you can refer to it later.


The available diagnoses are typically the same for all labs, but the available tests and carriers vary by lab. If you can access more than one lab, make sure that you are accessing the appropriate one before you search for tests or carriers.

An asterisk (*) next to the name of a diagnosis indicates that it requires higher specificity.

Custom profiles, custom carriers, generic carriers, and carriers that do not have a third-party forms code are not included in the dictionary search results.

The dictionary search feature provides information about all standard carriers associated with your current lab. However, some clients might not be able to use all of these carriers.

For some labs, the dictionary search feature provides access to information about blood drawing techniques that can affect specimen quality and handling.