The Patient Tab > Patient Management

Patient Management

This section describes the patient management functions of Care360 Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, or EHR. The following is a list of tasks that you can perform to keep patient data accurate and up to date:

Add patients. You can add new patients manually, or you can “bridge” (import) existing patient charts from a PMS. For information on adding new patients, see Adding a Patient.

Edit patient data. You can access and edit patient demographic information at any time, if necessary. For information on editing patient data, see Managing Patient Details.

Troubleshoot patient records. You can keep patient information accurate and minimize duplication by resolving duplicate patients, merging patient summaries, or moving individual clinical activities from one patient summary to another. For information on troubleshooting patient records, see Identifying Duplicate or Incomplete Patients and Resolving Duplicate Patients.