The Patient Tab > Patient Management > Resolving Duplicate Patients > Move Clinical Activities

Move Clinical Activities

Tip: To view the Moving Clinical Activities online training module, click here.

1 In the information bar, click Admin > Move Clinical Activities.

Note: Depending upon your permissions, you may not be able to access the Admin menu.

2 In the Find a Patient section, type a value in one or more of the boxes to locate either the source patient (the patient whose summary contains the clinical activities you want to move) or target patient (the patient whose summary will receive the clinical activities you want to move).

Note: When searching by patient name, if the patient’s last name contains a space, you must include the space in your search text. For example, typing De Monye will return patients with the last name De Monye, but typing Demonye will not.

3 Click Search.

4 In the Patient Search Results list, click the option button next to the appropriate patient, and then click one of the following buttons:

Source Patient if this is the patient whose summary contains the clinical activities you want to move.

Target Patient if this is the patient whose summary will receive the clinical activities you want to move.

5 After selecting a source patient and a target patient, click Continue.

6 On the Labs, All Medications, Allergies/Adverse Reactions, Supplies, Clinical Notes, Radiology, Diagnostic, and Other tabs, select the check box next to each clinical activity that you want to move to the target patient.


Finalized encounter notes are not available for selection from the Clinical Notes tab.

Any tasks associated with a lab result will move with the clinical activity as long as the target patient is in the same organization as the task creator.

Lab panels are deleted from an encounter note when an in progress encounter note is moved to a target patient.

If an encounter note with OB data is moved to a patient not currently identified as pregnant, and that encounter note is the most recent for the target patient, the target patient is identified as pregnant and the pregnancy features will be enabled for the patient.

7 Click Move.

8 Review the Items to be moved list and then click Confirm.