The Message Center Tab > Clinical Messaging and Faxing > Clinical Faxing

Clinical Faxing

This section provides instructions for creating and sending a clinical fax to another physician or organization that does not use Care360 Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, or EHR. You can optionally reference, within a clinical fax, specific clinical activities for a patient, including lab reports, medications (including vaccines), allergies/adverse reactions, radiology results, diagnostics, problems, patient history, clinical notes, OB data, and other documents.


The OB tab displays only for Providers, Clinicians, and Clinical Office Staff whose organization is using Care360 EHR.

If you attach uploaded clinical activities to a fax, you may receive a message indicating that the fax and attachments exceed the size limit and will be split and sent as smaller individual faxes. In addition, attached antepartum reports will always be sent as individual faxes.

Each individual fax will have the same subject as the original fax that you created, as well as numbers identifying it as a set of related faxes. For example, Patient Fax (1 of 2) and Patient Fax (2 of 2). As with other faxes, you will be able to view and manage these individual faxes from the application’s fax lists. For more information about managing faxes, see Managing Faxes.

The methods for sending a clinical fax include the following:

Compose a new fax from the Message Center tab. Using the Message Center tab, you can easily compose and send a new clinical fax. The fax you compose may contain text only, or it may reference specific data or documents (clinical activities) stored within a patient’s summary. While composing the fax, you can easily search for the patient whose data you want to reference.

Compose a new fax from a patient summary. While viewing a patient’s summary, you can compose and send a clinical fax that automatically references that patient. You can also reference specific data or documents (clinical activities) stored within a patient’s summary.

Send a fax for a finalized radiology order. You cannot compose a fax for a radiology order; however, you can fax a radiology order from the review orders dialog box or while completing a radiology order task. For more information, see Finalize an In Progress Radiology Order.


You can reference only one patient per fax.

You can fax a radiology order from the review orders dialog box, or while completing a radiology order task. For more information, see Finalize an In Progress Radiology Order.

If you send an antepartum report with a clinical fax, the report is automatically saved to the referenced patient’s summary as an uploaded document in the Other Documents section and the Patient Uploaded Documents list.

Send a Clinical Fax

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