The Message Center Tab

The Message Center Tab

The Message Center tab provides options for accessing the latest patient and user data available within Care360 Labs & Meds, ePrescribing, and EHR. Depending upon your permissions, you may be able to see the following menu options:

Quick View. The Quick View page lists many of the “to-do” items or activities you can perform relating to your patients. At a glance, you can see alerts for lost and found results, duplicate patients, or patient link requests, new clinical messages notes in progress, new tasks, and the number of new results, action items, or failed fax messages that you have waiting. For more information, see Quick View.

Patient Flow. The Patient Flow page provides you with information (appointment time, status, room, and provider) about all patients who are currently being tracked in Patient Flow. Additionally, you can add or remove patients, or update their information. For more information, see Patient Flow.

Messages. The Messages menu allows you to access the message Inbox in order to view messages that have been sent to you. In addition, it contains option to compose a message, as well as options for viewing sent messages and deleted messages. For more information, see Clinical Messaging.

Faxes. The Faxes menu allows you to compose a fax, as well as options for viewing sent, deleted, and failed faxes. For more information, see Clinical Faxing.

Labs. The Labs menu allows you to access new lab results and results pending release. For more information see Patient Results .

Clinical Documents. The Clinical Documents menu allow you to access all new clinical documents such as electronic and uploaded radiology results, diagnostics, and clinical notes. For more information, see Viewing New Clinical Documents.

Prescriptions. The Prescriptions menu allows you to access a list of action items that require your attention, as well as lists for sent items and queued items. Additionally, you can look up drug information. For more information, see Addressing Prescription Action Items and Viewing and Managing a Prescription.

Tasks. The Tasks menu provides access to the tasks Inbox so that you can address general, patient contact reminder, order, and amendments tasks.For more information, see Tasks.

Upload Documents. The Upload Documents menu provides access to the File Upload page, from which you can view or upload documents and index or assign uploaded documents to a patient. For more information see Document Upload.

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