The Patient Tab > The Patient Summary > Patient Communication > Generate an e-Patient PIN

Generate an e-Patient PIN

1 View a patient’s summary; for instructions, see Accessing a Patient Summary.

2 Click Patient Communication > ePatient Link > Generate PIN.

3 When the e-Patient PIN letter appears, do one of the following:

Print the e-Patient PIN letter. Click Print.

Email the e-Patient PIN letter to the patient. Type the patient’s email address, and then click Send.

Note: If you need to update the existing email address, simply make your changes. The patient’s email address is automatically updated in the demographics area with your changes when you click Send.

Caution! The patient’s identity should be verified prior to providing them with a PIN. Whomever you give the PIN to will be able to receive medical data that you send from that patient’s Care360 Labs & Meds or Care360 EHR record.